Platforms & assemblies

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Tanks T-72 and T-90

T-72 & T-90 is a family of Soviet/Russian main battle tanks. About 25,000 T-72 tanks have been built, and refurbishment has enabled many to remain in service for decades. It is widely exported and in-service across 40 countries. The production and development of various modernized T-72 models continues today.

Key assemblies built by us for refurbishment:

Jacket assembly: 29 components; manufactured since 1988
‣ Rammer chain
‣ Eccentric bush

Field Gun: 130mm | M-46 or KS-30

The M-46 is a true gun, being able to fire up-to 45° and having a long barrel and a single propelling charge. It was first seen openly at the 1954 May Day Parade in Moscow. It initially replaced the 100 mm BS-3 field and anti-tank gun. However, its long range made it well suited for counter-battery actions. It is or has been in service with at least 25 countries (incl. India).

Key assemblies built by us for refurbishment:

Hydraulic Jack: 56 components; manufactured since 1980s
Apparatus pulling back: 42 components; manufactured since 1983
Air filter assembly: 9 components; manufactured since 2010s
Casing: single component; manufactured since 2015
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Anti-Aircraft Gun: L-70mm

The L70mm anti-aircraft gun is a type of artillery weapon primarily used for air defense purposes. It is a powerful automatic cannon designed to engage and destroy enemy aircraft, incl. helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

The L70mm gun is known for its high rate of fire, accuracy, and effectiveness against airborne targets. It can fire a variety of projectiles, including high-explosive fragmentation rounds, proximity-fused shells, and armor-piercing discarding sabot (APDS) rounds. The gun's caliber refers to the diameter of the barrel, with the L/70 indicating a barrel length that is 70 times the caliber.

These anti-aircraft guns are often mounted on vehicles, naval vessels, or used in stationary installations. They are typically integrated into air defense systems and operated by trained personnel who track and engage aerial threats.

Key assemblies built by us for refurbishment:

‣ Oil filter
‣ Air filter
‣ Housing
‣ Recuperator Spring
‣ Distribution box
‣ IMB tubes

Bofors 155mm

The Bofors 155mm is a widely used artillery gun known for its caliber of 155mm and is manufactured in multiple models: FH77, FH77 B05, and Archer.

It is primarily used as an artillery piece for providing indirect fire support in military operations. It is designed to engage targets at long ranges and can deliver highly accurate and powerful projectiles.

Some common uses include, Artillery Fire Support, Counter-Battery Fire, Suppression & Indirection, and, Strategic Strikes.

Overall, it is a very versatile artillery piece that provides significant firepower and range to support ground operations. It is often used by military forces around the world to deliver accurate and lethal indirect fire support on the battlefield.

Key assemblies built by us for refurbishment:

‣ Swivel connection
‣ Elbow joints
… any many other assemblies/sub-assemblies
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Indian Light Field Gun

The Indian Light Field Gun, also known as the 105 mm Indian Field Gun (IFG), is an artillery piece developed and manufactured in India.

It is primarily used by the Indian Army for a range of purposes, including: Field Artillery, Counter-Battery Fire, Tactical Operations, Border Security and Training and Exercises.

The Indian Light Field Gun, with its mobility, versatility, and firepower, contributes to the overall capabilities of the Indian Army's artillery forces and supports their operational requirements across a wide range of missions.

Key assemblies built by us for refurbishment:

‣ Ordnance retracting apparatus
… any many other assemblies/sub-assemblies

51mm mortar launcher

It is a type of lightweight artillery weapon used for providing indirect fire support in military operations.

It is an extremely versatile equipment, with some common uses including, Infantry Support, Close Combat Support, Tactical Operations, and Versatility.

The mortar launcher can be used to deliver rounds that have anti-personnel effects, causing casualties among enemy personnel.

It can also be employed for area denial purposes, denying access to specific areas or blocking enemy movements by saturating an area with mortar rounds.

In general, the 51mm mortar launcher serves as a portable and versatile artillery system to support infantry units in combat situations.

Key assemblies built by us for refurbishment:

‣ Spanner Box
… any many other assemblies/sub-assemblies
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Dhanush India "Howitzer"

It is a 155 mm/45 caliber towed howitzer artillery system developed and manufactured in India. It is based on the design and technology transfer from the Bofors FH77B howitzer, which was acquired by India in the 1980s.

It incorporates several improvements over its predecessor, including a longer barrel and an enhanced range. It also features electronic systems for communication, navigation, and fire control, providing greater accuracy and improved overall performance.

Lastly, it is part of India's "Make in India" initiative, aimed at indigenously developing and manufacturing defense equipment.

Key assemblies built by us for refurbishment:

‣ Swivel connection
‣ Elbow joints
‣ Tubelines
… any many other assemblies/sub-assemblies